Build Career Momentum With Modal

Level up your data & business skills through project-based learning
A personal learning trainer
A dedicated 1:1 coach for every course to inspire, guide, and challenge you as you master data skills and advance your learning journey.
Level up at work
You'll achieve industry-leading proficiency rates, equipping you with the essential tools, techniques, and skills to excel in your job!
Elevate your career
50% of learners received a promotion or new responsibilities within 6 months of completion.

Browse and Enroll

All courses are cohort-based, start once every month, and require 2-8 weeks to complete.
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Career roadmaps for every data role & level

Extend your early career data skills, improve your Python, or level up your business skills with practical projects and industry-relevant coursework.

Elevate your expertise through challenging projects and continuous skill refinement, adapting to emerging trends in your field.

Re-invent your career in data with personalized role-based learning paths tailored to industry demands and your goals.

Trusted by data teams at top companies

Interested in learning as a team?
We offer company cohort learning!
Contact us

What learners are saying

“I love the quantity & quality of learning materials, the interactivity, the live sessions, the coaches, are invaluable. I can really feel the difference in the level of engagement that Modal has to every participant compared to an ordinary course."
Veselina Stoyanova
Reporting Analyst 

"Modal is the BEST. I love the real time coaching and guidance to do my job better."
Rafael José Italiano
Senior Analyst
Symplag Analyst